To explore ways of developing language skills.
To explore different art techniques and communicative proposals.
Vocabulary and structures connected to Chinese New Year.
Resources and ideas to promote English skills in the ESL classroom and to develop creativity.
Bruno Mars"Count on me" or Pharrell Williams "Happy": The end of the school year is close and it might be a good moment to reflect on friendship through a song. We can read they lyric, make vocabulary lists, practice stress and pronunciation, design gap filling activities, make up a dance, sing in different groups...
Eric Carle books: Some books created by Eric Carle are an opportunity to talk about the spring .
The tiny seed: We can talk about plants in the four different seasons, parts of a plant, things hurt and help plants, why they are so important to us... Children can create minibooks retelling the story or create a wheel with a plant life cycle. Depending on the age and the language level we can give them more information or ask them to draw or write words, sentences or texts.
Story We’re Going on a Bear Hunt: It is a story full of sound effects and repetitive language. We can easily turn the story into a drama play asking children to create the sound effects and play the main characters taking turns.
Adjectives in flowers: Children write their names in the middle of the flower. In the petals they write positive adjectives. They do it individually but in small groups they help each other to think about the adjectives. We can display their work on a spring mural.
Chatter boxes with questions to foster oral language. Students can create their own chatterbox or we can give them a chatterbox done in order to make them practice a specific language or a topic (what's your favourite...?, When do you feel happy/ sad/ angry...?).
Find someone who… : We give students a list of activities, adjectives, likes or hobbies. They ask their classmates until they complete the list. They cannot repeat any name. Another option is play the same game using cards with different actions and question. Children must find their partner.
Writing - Weather and actions: In groups they write things they can do in sunny, rainy, windy and cloudy weather. Once they have their lists, they can find pictures in internet, save them and then organize pictures and words in a THINGLINK. It is an easy and motivating digital tool to children.
Spring tree with popcorns
Butterflies with coffee filter: Children paint a coffee filter with markers. We wet the coffee filter and wait until it is dry. Then we use a pipe cleaner for the body and antennas.
Symmetry: Children can paint butterflies and flowers to experiment with simmetry.
Finger prints and animals
Tissue paper collage